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But I love this wedding picture of Michelle and Barack. I'd love it even if it weren't them, though. It's so laid back, which is a rarity for a wedding portrait. According to People, this is on their mantle at home. Straight chillin' with the shoes off. Love my people. .

5 new thought(s):

Jameil said...

j'adore! ok i now want 3 portraits above the mantle, including a serious and a casual one! yeah! (b/c 2 seems like an odd number to have over the mantle, there must be a 3rd)

La said...

Doesn't this just perfectly capture their relationship and why we all love it so?

The Breaking Point said...

I do so hate to be contrarian, but this is woefully depressing to me.

Yeah, yeah ... chillaxin' is great, but there are some things that should never be captured on film. If they are, no one can ever see them.

It must be a cultural (American versus British) thing.

Adei von K said...

point blank, i am so in love with this shot.

shani-o said...

@ Jam: Yeah, you have to do odd numbers. They look more balanced.

@ Wife: It does.

@ LH: I get it. Brits are buttoned up and what not. But we Americans like our folks sprawled on a bench, looking tired and happy. I love that they took this picture.

Adei: yep.