Uh... hahahaha! God loves the Ques. (Click for a larger view.)
In order to preserve it for posterity, I made a screen cap of the NY Post's homepage — the link to which an anonymous reader left in the comments under my last post about Jeremiah Wright.
In case there was any doubt, he is a Que.
All laughter aside (seriously, though... HA!), out of context, he looks like a straight fool.
At the National Press Club, really, Pastor? I might coulda understood if you'd thrown up the hooks at, say, the NAACP meeting. But, um, there's a time and a place for everything. Although, maybe we should just be grateful you didn't start hopping.
Meanwhile, Sen. Obama is "outraged" by Wright's Magical Media Tour. I think he's really mad because the following facts—
A) Reverend Wright stays saying he's not Obama's mouthpiece (and scoffs at the term "spiritual adviser")
B) Obama stays saying he disagrees with some of Wright's statements
C) This hasn't really affected his ratings in the polls
— are not preventing the media from continually linking two men, who, though they're both light-skinned, are not the same person. Obama looks tired and frustrated, and I can understand why; the liberal media members who were fellating him just a few weeks ago have suddenly turned on him. I think they're ashamed of how they fell for the post-racial foolishness, and those scary Jeremiah Wright clips reminded them that hey, Obama is black.
Obama is mad, but I think he's purposely misdirecting his anger to Wright, when really it's the press who should (but won't) get cussed out.
But I know Barack's going to come through this. (And I still respect Wright for doing his thing.)
Links to C-Span coverage of the National Press Club speech:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Labels: barack obama, black greeks, the media, things that make me laugh |
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6 new thought(s):
but did you hear him talking about FAMU and Grambling Marching bands in 5? OMG, DYING!!! He is a character and a half and you know what? so not surprised he's a Que! at all
You think he is misdirecting his anger at Wright? That fool is a one man torpedo for is campaign!! And the sad part is that I was in FULL support of Rev. Wright in the beginning... this is classic crabs in a barrel syndrome.
Stace- I almost passed out when he name-checked Howard twice, lol. He is a character, but he made quite a bit of sense at the NPC. I wonder how many people actually watched the whole thing.
X- Don't fall into the trap! The media is conflating Wright and Obama, despite the fact that they've both done some distancing. Can you honestly say that if you were demonized and vilified the way Wright was, you'd sit back and 'take one for the team' just to help Obama get elected?
I'm still spinning this into a positive for Barack.
i've heard others say this will end up being best for rocky but idk. if wright is gonna do his Magical Media Tour, it'd be nice if it wasn't a distraction from the issues but it is. hence the reason i say SADDOWN!!
I think the real trap is the way the media is pitting the two men against each other. If you feel villified, disowned, disavowed, or whatever it is that Reverned Wright might happen to feel, then why not just sit down somewhere. The media is continuing to shine a light on the reverend, so he is continuing to flourish in that light- who wouldn't. But where he is wrong is in his desire to stay in the light when this is not his time. He may not want to help Obama at this point, but does he really have to be such a hindrance?
I'm not surprised that he threw the hook but that it took him this long to do so.
Am sorely disappointed to see a black man destroy the presidential aspirations of another black man. We just can't seem to get out of our way.
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