I don't like CNN. But I've gotta hand it to them. Selling shirts is brilliant. Last night, there was a rather amusing exchange between serial pundit (and smackdown layer) Donna Brazile and closeted cutie Anderson Cooper. To wit:
"I'm looking for something [Obama] hasn't told anyone else, just you." "Anderson, you're not my boo."After which, Andy giggled insanely. And now, CNN is selling shirts to that effect on their 'CNN Shirt (beta)' site.

6 new thought(s):
LoL it was hilarious.
That exchange and Barry and Michelle giving each other dapp made my night.
That must be her slogan. She said it to Stephen Colbert last month. But I think I'd want a shirt that says he IS my boo. Cuz he's hot. Gay or not, he's hot.
she is so freakin AWESOME!! joy i thought she told stephen to meet her in st. louis or something b/c he was her boo.
The conversation started the same way, with him asking her a question she wasn't going to answer, then she said he wasn't her boo, and he said what if we meet half way and work that out, and they decided to go to Kansas city and he started singing. The end.
When A.Coop giggles, a twink gets his wings.
It's true!
Hey, Ronnie. ;)
LOLOL andy was giggling his lil behind off!!! I love it! "i wanna be your boo is soooo cute!!"
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