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Do you read Kanye West's blog? I used to subscribe to it, but that ninja (or his assistant) posts like fifty times a day. Some of the posts have got to be 'Ye, though. A post he wrote today:

Now the media is saying I'm going to anger management something or 'nother. I have never had any conversations about anger management. If anything, I need anger enhancement!!
I love him. I seriously love him. And his post on Soulja Boy vs. Ice-T had me dying. He really holds it down for the underdog. And I don't even dig Soulja Boy or anything, but this made some type of sense.
[Soulja Boy] had all of America rapping this summer. If that ain't Hip Hop then what is? A bunch of wannabe keep it real rappers that ain't even relevant, recycling samples trying to act like it's 96 again and all they do is hate on new shit?
Anyway, on top of that, he posts about cool random stuff like shoes and lamps. Check it out when you get a chance. (Warning for Jameil... he does curse a bit.)

1 new thought(s):

Jameil said...

aww! thanks for the warning, shanio! i can't imagine ye getting more than 3 sentences out of his mouth w/o cursing. lol. dead @ anger enhancement! hahahaha. he's crazy!