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I'm going to Boston. My best just got back from six weeks in Italia, and we planned to hang out this weekend... know what, I'm not even gonna lie. I don't need an excuse to take a road trip. One of my favorite things to do, when gas was about 2/3 the price it is now, was take a drive. I've driven all over New Jersey. I've gotten majorly lost. I've ended up in Nowhere, Pennsylvania. I used to drive down to D.C. on a whim. I love to drive, and I've come to a certain sense of acceptance when it comes to gas prices. They're high, and that's just the way it's gonna be. Of course, it helps that my '06 Scion xB is costs just about $40 to fill up (I do miss the days when it was $28, but back then, I felt like I was getting away with something bad) and I can get more than 300 miles out of one tank. So anyway, BFF and I were going to go somewhere boring like Philly, when it occurred to me that we could and should totally drive to Boston. We got a hotel for Saturday night, and we're driving up early in the morning. I haven't been to Boston since I was a senior in high school, for a journalism conference. It's one of my favorite memories. I have no idea what we're going to do while we're there, but knowing me and BFF, we'll make our own fun no matter where we end up. See ya on Monday!

4 new thought(s):

Jameil said...

SO COOL! I've only been to Boston once but I need to go back when I really have time and ability to explore, preferrably w/someone familiar w/the town! yeah!!

La said...

I'm so jealous. I've only been to Boston once as well but I LOVED it. I remember really enjoying the Legal Seafood down on the wharf. It's the flagship I believe and MILES away from even being comprable to any other Legal anywhere else

the joy said...

Have fun!

1969 said...

Uh trip to Philly? That's wack homie.