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I have (HAD) mad respect for Tavis Smiley. Not so much anymore. Props to Michelle for being so gracious (although I suspect she had some choice words about it in private.) This is really disturbing my spirit. And not just because Michelle Obama is amazing and an incredible speaker (did you SEE her on Larry King Live? scroll down!). Tavis, someone who has impressed me from his days back on BET, is letting his ego get in the way of something truly remarkable. And here I was all set to write about the superdelegates. Tomorrow, I guess.

6 new thought(s):

CNEL said...

Hmmm interesting decision by Mr. Smiley.

Toure Zeigler said...

Good for Obama, I'm getting tired of the State of the Black Union TALKING. The Covenant is great and Im sure it has sparked some positive movement but by and large, the State of the Black Union is just a lot of talking.

Jameil said...

He's suuuuuuuper wack for this one.

Adei von K said...

i USED to have a crush on him. like a SERIOUS one.
what's that about T?

shani-o said...

cnel: interesting is NOT the word!

bc planning: so true. As my dad told me yesterday, SOTBU is basically about Tavis' ego; it's all about seeing who he can pull.

Jam: Welllll said.

Stace: Ha!

Rashan Jamal said...

That was just crazy. I was mad disappointed in him when I heard this.