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What does it all mean? Thus far, I've defined my conservatism, and described my perspective on the so-called "issues." Many, many people get tied up in their beliefs and opinions, and castigate others for disagreeing with them. I don't. Who I am and what I think are linked, but they are not one in the same. I have reservations about so many things, but not about you. — Wilco We are all individuals, with varying perspectives, but I think we're also all trying to do some of the same things: get along with each other, take care of our families, have some fun, and do a little good in the world along the way. How we achieve these goals may vary, but the goals remain the same. Conservatism, like liberalism and centrism, is a filter. That filter colors the way I see the world. It shades philosophy, religion, politics, media, comedy and tragedy. But not people. When it comes to people, all of those high-flown philosophical discussions are moot. I refuse to dislike someone because we don't see eye-to-eye on something that is theoretical. If I don't like someone, it's not because they think the U.S. needs to bomb Iran; it's because they're a jerk. If I like someone, it's not because they support the abolition of the death penalty; it's because they have a sense of humor and great fashion sense. I'm a conservative, but I don't bite.

4 new thought(s):

the joy said...

Hmmm. I would have to semi agree. Some people do make an affiliation all there is to them sometimes. At which point I tend to be turned off no matter which way they lean.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i think the option in general should be framed in the form of an alternative to political thought that is neither gop nor democratic party based, but rather of the libertarian purview, suits me well

Yellow Rebel said...

shani...I can go on and on and on and on...but I'll keep it real simple

you are who you are player

shani-o said...

Yoj- I'm with ya.

Torrance- but isn't libertarianism becoming sort of it's own sect (like democratism and republicanism) with it's own set of problems?

YR- :-)