Lauren's post on pickup lines has me reminiscing. When I was younger, and still learning how to use my powers of bodaciousness for good, I could be pretty awful to a guy trying to holla. I would either ignore him, or say something smartass-y, or look at him dead in the eye and respond with a time-perfected mix of incredulity and sarcasm: "uh, no." These days, I'm much nicer. I realize guys have a hard time of it out there, so even if I'm not remotely interested, I'll usually smile and thank them for the compliment and keep it moving. That is, unless they're completely out of pocket, in which case they'll receive one of my former tactics.
So anyway, here are some of my fonder memories receiving a 'cold open.'
Memory #1: I was walking on U St. in D.C., on my way to the 7-Eleven with my BFF. Dude in a black truck (don't ask me what it was, I'm not into cars) slows down on the opposite side of the street, and honks. He's looking at me and smiling, saying, "hey, come over here, can I talk to you?" Setting aside the obvious fact that I'm not crossing traffic to talk to someone I've never met (if you know a girl who will, give me her address, so I can beat her with one of my very heavy Frye boots), I just kinda shook my head and kept walking. Him, as his tires squeal: "FOUR EYES!!!" My friend and I fell out laughing on the sidewalk.
Variations on the theme: I have been asked to "come over and talk" to countless men sitting comfortably in their vehicles while I am clearly on my way somewhere. It's not like I'm leaning against a building, swinging my purse and chewing some gum. I'm walking at a brisk pace, and YOU want ME to come talk to you? For what? Get outta here!
Memory #2: Junior year Howard homecoming. Yardfest. I'm crossing the Yard with a couple of friends, and there's a little traffic jam. While we're paused, I hear a guy behind me say, "I wonder if the front matches the back..." and next thing you know, I'm being tapped on the shoulder. I turn around reflexively, not connecting the statement with the gesture. Dude looks at me, smiles, and is like, "Yep. You're gorgeous." My arm gets yanked by a friend and I'm being pulled through the crowd before I can even process the objectification.
Variations on the theme: Ruminations on the backside are not acceptable conversation-starters. I don't envy the ladies out there who haven't much to work with in the backside, but the flip side of the coin is that men believe it's ok to comment on physical attributes with heavy sexual overtones. And the verbiage! It's just... well, this is a PG blog, so I'll just say this: please don't make mention of the bum until we've hung out at least twice. (And again, I know there are women who get all giggly when a dude notices that she's wearing jeans that are two sizes too small, so if you see one, get her address.)
Memory #3: The corniness. A old guy said to me, "girl, you look like your breath smells minty!" Points were awarded for originality, but immediately deducted for weirdness. There are lots of other corny, ridiculous, intelligence-insulting lines, but I'm sure you've heard them all.
Bonus Lesson: Guys always want to know what works, and I promise you, any woman worth having will respond positively to the following:
Hi, my name is X. How are you today?
She'll love it because you're presenting yourself to her, not starting off with a "shawty, what yo' name is?" She'll also love it because you're giving her an opportunity to talk about herself. If you follow it up with a "that blouse really complements your complexion," you're in.
Go forth and holla!
Labels: boys and girls, the neo, things that make me laugh |
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9 new thought(s):
so conceited.
I think you're right in saying that a simple introduction is best. What also works for me is making a woman laugh. I try not to lay the compliments on until it's obvious that I'm not being gratuitous.
Except "that blouse really compliments your complexion" will immediately make me think you're gay.
But I get the point! lol
la stole the words!!! blasted la. i was just about to type that. i need to get here faster but my power was out! hmph. "I'll usually smile and thank them for the compliment and keep it moving." i should try that sometime. lol. it's usually the eye roll. my thing is if he's this old and still doing that he's gotten some good responses and mine should make it clear these actions are not acceptable.
My old bf always said if his initial line didnt work, then nothing will! Oh, he line was:
Hi. Im Kevin Green.
One of these days, Im going to remember that when I want to go up and holla at a man!
Demby- ...and?
Anon- either you didn't read the post, or you're one of those...
LH- Some guys feel like they MUST compliment a woman upon meeting her. My advice, if one must, compliment her on something that isn't sexual, but does indicate that one finds her attractive.
Wife- I've actually received compliments like that from straight (though fashion conscious) men. In other words, bite me.
Jam- Can't teach an old dog new tricks, right? Unfortunately.
Lola- yeah, that's kind of cute. That would prob be my pick up line, lol.
'And' nothing. It's part of your charm.
A compliment works if it's spontaneous, I think.
One evening on G Street, a beautiful woman walked past. I muttered, "You're beautiful." She heard me, smiled, and the rest was history. I should never have left D.C. I haven't been quite that happy since I did.
i still give dudes the ice grill. no matter what. i cant stand to have my time wasted. i tend to ignore everyone, everywhere, though. the worst is when im in uniform though, because i kinda have to be nice and when i say im not interested they try to play that ish off. either way, my time has been wasted. i dont even see anything fruitful from meeting a stranger on the street who does have game. i encourage anchors. i (in general) need to know the truth about you before things kick off. thats why im glad i met kesi in school. i could gather by others' impressions that he was a good guy. you cant get that from mr "call me so i can make it juicy."
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